Let me just say a little bit about Hani. I remember the first time we met.. on the bus. haha hence the name busmate. Being the gentleman I am(ahem), I remember offering her a seat one day. Those were the days when Clarys did not really think of saving a seat for me. So, I moved to sit inside and we sat together and did the human thing, talk. It wasn't long before we discovered we had the same ESL lecturer, the sporting Ms Rachel.
Anyway, it has been more than half a year since we have known each other and we became much more than mere 'busmates'. We became friends, if you know what i mean. Haha i mean, we became friends that actually care, share, joke, and study (nerded for Mid Year) together and not just seeing each other on the bus while camwhoring the whole journey back.
Hani.. .. ..